TaxonWorks Together 2023 - You’re Invited - Oct 24-26

Greetings Everyone,

RE: TaxonWorks Together 2023 - You’re Invited - Oct 24-26

You’ve saved the dates, yes? We’re excited to open registration for TaxonWorks Together 2023.
Join us for 3 days of activities centered around building the TaxonWorks community, highlighting what’s new, what’s changed, and what is on the horizon. Some activities will be highly guided, some information style, and some unconference style.

Zoom space may be limited, please don’t wait! Questions welcome.

Please see agenda development details
Scroll down to “How” and click to register.

In anticipation,

Debbie, BI Community Liaison for the Species File Group
(apologies in advance for cross-posting, starting now :-)

-- Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS)
-- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Past Chair 2021-2022
-- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment
-- Species File Group and Events
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Update: Check out our TaxonWorks Together 2023 Speaker Lineup

Do you generate or work with biodiverse data? Have a look at our speakers who will touch on these topics (to list a few):

  • The Future of Species Description: technology, inventories, large-scale integrative taxonomy
  • Perspectives on taxon pages from the Atlas of Living Australia, the Encyclopedia of Life, and from the Species File Group
  • The evolving landscape of biodiversity informatics: bringing actionable practices and tools to you
  • Extended specimen ideas, implementing RCC-5 for connecting taxon concepts (What’s RCC-5? Join us to find out more), open research workflows

Registration for TaxonWorks Together 2023 is open, and free.
Some activities will be highly guided, some information style, and some unconference style.

Zoom space may be limited, please don’t wait! Questions welcome.
Please share in your sphere-of-influence. Thanks!

@sharif.islam @nickyn @qgroom @hongcui @abbybenson @cjk @rdmpage @vijaybarve @vsmithuk @vblago

In anticipation, Debbie, for the Species File Group
(apologies in advance for cross-posting)

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