An Invitation to TaxonWorks Together 2021 - What's New in TaxonWorks? What's Different? What's Next?

Hello Everyone,

Focusing on TaxonWorks, please join us for an informal series of events designed to hear from many who create and use data that we collectively use to “Describe life”.

If you work with taxonomists, if you manage taxonomic names or nomenclature, if you are a collection manager or data manager, if you are an ecologist using these data, if you are a software developer, if you are a taxonomist writing species descriptions – building matrices and taxonomic keys, if you are curious about other collection management software, if you’re wondering if there are other ways to manage people, taxonomic, and nomenclatural data along with your collections data, we hope you’ll join us.

When: 6 - 10 December 2021
You’re in!: Register Here for Zoom links
Find out more: Agenda for TaxonWorks Together 2021

Questions? We’re ready and waiting. Please do share widely to interested colleagues, students, citizen scientists, …

In anticipation,

Deborah Paul, from the Species File Group as your
Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison

(Please do excuse cross-postings, but let’s do celebrate we can expand our reach together. Thanks!)

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