Multiple values of one attribute

Hi all!
When adding multiple values to one attribute, e.g. for behavior, we are using vertical bar as delimiter. However, I have just noticed that DwC Reference Guides recommends using “space-vertical bar-space” ( | ). Does anybody know what is the reason for adding space? We tried to upload to IPT datasets with space around vertical bar and without and we didn’t get any errors in any case.
If something is considered a delimiter, why adding space?

Hi @lkatusic I guess is for have better human readability, is easier to read “Flying | Eating | Mating” rather than “Flying|Eating|Mating”, especially when there are several instances. From a publishing perspective in an IPT, it is not a problem.


Thank you Esteban! OK, space make it a bit more easy to read, but also a bit more difficult and prone to errors when entering the data and also to separate the values for users, for example in Excel. I would say the purpose of DwC is to share data more easily not to present it more easily. This is the task of the “recipient”.

I think @EstebanMH-SiB’s point is correct, however, it is up to you as a publisher to choose to include space or not. So if it is easier to exclude, then that is fine.

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While I agree that DwC is designed to be a human readable format, it reminds me of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Abelson, Sussman, and Sussman (1984), in that computer languages should be designed for humans to read and only secondarily for computers to execute. I believe data standards should adhere to the same principle.

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