We were wondering if there is a way to tag data provenient of indigenous people for it to be discoverable in GBIF in an standardized way. We are trying to implement CARE principles and we understand that tagging data is one of the main recommendations, so we want to know how other nodes do it (at the data level? at metadata level, which DwC fields?) and if there is a way to filter this in GBIF or plans to implement this in the future.
At this moment we are not tagging our data in any specific way, just a brief mention in the metadata and this data being published but institutions that are indigenous organizations. But we want to implement it in a better way.
Thank you very much for the information and resources @sformel ! Is great to see that there are several persons interested and working in making biodiversity data CARE. We will try to participate in these efforts and be involved in some discussions so we can implement this in a more structured way.