French translation of the new Open Refine Guide

Hi fellow translators!

I’m planning on working on the French translation of the new Open Refine Guide developed by @pzermoglio and @tuco and available since yesterday for peer-review (
Is there any French translators interested in working on that project with me?


Hi Carole,
I really enjoy Open Refine for data manpulation.
I would be happy helping translation into French if I find time this summer.
I guess the original text is in english, not spanish. Where can I find it?

That’s right: the original text is in Spanish, and it’s published here and maintained here.

However, given that it has just gone into community peer review, I’d suggest allowing that process to play out before starting the work of translation.

As with any community-supported translation, the Secretariat will put the necessary tools and systems in place and provide such technical support as is needed. As is most often the case, we expect to use CrowdIn, which provides a tool familiar to the community and easy synchronization across multiple language versions, if needed.

Once the text of this (or any document going through community peer-review) is settled, we can create the framework needed to support translations. Seem reasonable?