Webinar 2: Organization roles (Wouter Addink)

The following question(s) were asked in the Collection Management Systems Webinar and will be answered here.

Wouter Addink: How to specify which organization is responsible for a specimen - not necessarily the owner

In the Unified Model, organizations are Agents and roles for them can be instantiated for any concept using AgentRoles. Thus, with the specimen being a MaterialEntity and therefore also an Entity, one could have as many EntityAgentRoles as desired. For example, given the following MaterialEntity (“Specimen1”):

materialEntityID: Specimen1
materialEntityType: taxidermy mount

which is also an Entity by definition because it is a subtype:

entityID: Specimen1
entityType: MaterialEntity

is owned by museum “Org1”:

agentID: Org1
agentType: museum

with that role captured by an EntityAgentRole:
agentID: Org1
entityID: Specimen1
entityAgentRole: owner
entityAgentRoleBegan: 1908-08-05

while it has been on loan to museum “Org2” where it is on display and whose responsibility it is:
agentID: Org2
agentType: museum

as captured by another EntityAgentRole:
agentID: Org2
entityID: Specimen1
entityAgentRole: custodian
entityAgentRoleBegan: 2009-02-12