Watch our GRSciColl community call recording, GRSciColl API changes and other news

This is a message that was also sent to our mailing list. If you would like to subscribe to the GRSciColl mailing list, you can do so here: Scientific-Collections Info Page:

Many of you attended our GRSciColl community call two weeks ago, thank you very much!
If you missed it, you can watch the recording here and follow up on our on-going DOI and identifier-related discussion here.

I also want to announce some changes to the GRSciColl API (see the current documentation here). These changes will affect scripts and website that use the GRSciColl part of the API, you will need to adapt them.

Here are the changes:

These changes are part of the implementation of the GRSciColl road map 2023/2024. We will deploy them on the 20th of May 2024.

In addition to that, we are considering adding a section for resources from/for the community on the GRSciColl website. If you have made videos or documents for your communities (especially in other languages than English) and you are interested in sharing them on the website, please let me know!