It is sometimes useful to upload a large dataset to Zenodo. For example, if you are wanting to register a derived dataset.
I have found that large datasets tend not to be handled well by the Zenodo UI. In these cases, uploading via the Zenodo API tends to work better.
I wrote a script below in R that will upload a dataset to a started/unpublished Zenodo deposit.
This script requires a personal access token, which you can get here.
# zenodo large file upload
# get your token here
token <- "long_ugly_number_you_get_from_zenodo"
deposit_id <- 6137047 # fill in UI form to get this number
file <- ""
bucket <- GET(paste0("",deposit_id),
add_headers(Authorization = paste("Bearer", token)),
encode = 'json'
) %>%
content(as = "text") %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON() %>%
pluck("links") %>%
pluck("bucket") %>%
PUT(url = paste0("",bucket,"/",file,"?access_token=",token),
body = upload_file(file) # path to your local file
) %>%
content(as = "text")
This script was inspired by