Derived datasets are here - GBIF Data Blog

You’ve finished an analysis using GBIF-mediated data, you’re writing up your manuscript and checking all the references, but you’re unsure of how to cite GBIF. If you Google it, you’ll probably end up on our citation guideslines page and quickly realize that GBIF is all about DOIs. Datasets have their own DOIs and downloads of aggregated data also have their own DOIs.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Datasets in R can easily be summarized using tidyverse, e.g.

> my_dataset %>% count (DatasetKey)

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I wonder if this kind of datasets are also harvested and made searchable through gbif portal and api, like those datasets published trough IPT.
If so, could you post an example link to one of them?

Also, is it possible to somehow modify a derived dataset after publication? (i.e., updating zenodo version to add new records, for example)

Hey there, I have a question regarding the citation part:
Imagine I prepare a derived dataset that I want to use in an article, can I assign my own name as the author of said derived dataset?

I ask this because I have yet to see someone assigning an author to a derived dataset.


The derived dataset will have a suggested citation shown on its landing page, but if you prefer to change that to include yourself as the author, that’s fine. As long as you make sure the DOI is included.

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Thank you for the clarification, it was exactly what I needed to know!

Kind regards