Summary: 9. Workforce capacity development and inclusivity

This is the compilation of daily summaries (most recent first) written by the topic facilitators. The goal of this page is to orient new readers of the topic. Please go to the thread to comment.

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Summary 1 (June 15th to July 13th)
Accessibility might also need to encompass awareness. Awareness is an issue not only for inclusivity but also for reaching potential users of these data. In addition, at some institutions, work to increase Administration awareness of collections opportunities, e.g. opportunities available to students, and their relevance to cross-discipline faculty/staff/student endeavors has improved inclusion and use.

As an example one commenter gave: "There are senior researchers in environmental history, history of natural history, global history, and history of knowledge production who are not only aware, but spreading awareness of nathist collections and their value through their research. Not only that, but many of these colleagues have the research skills and analytical ability to contribute to the kinds of data (transcriptions, collation of field notes with correspondence, etc.) that are needed for the realisation of the dream of the Digital Extended Specimen. It will be critically important to include such highly skilled colleagues in the thinking behind the data models for the DES. …

… It would be worth planning an effective, well-structured consultation for GBIF with the humanities and social sciences communities."

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