Status of the new model?

Hi I’m just curious if the new model has been formally approved or is in use? I think it’s great work and a great approach. I would like to use it to help structure a variety of data systems but would like to know if it’s future is established.


Hi Brett.

Thanks for the kind words. We are in the process of preparing a submission to Darwin Core that documents the semantic model along with a set of Frictionless Data schemas as an implementation; this would be named Darwin Core Data Packages (DwC-DP). We’re aiming for that to be offered for public review around September time.

In the meantime, we are actively preparing reference datasets using the schemas, noting these are still subject to change. Here is a graphical overview of the schema arrangement.

There is a branch of the GBIF IPT software that can map to the schemas, but we haven’t started work on infrastructure to process them.

We’re aiming to do a public webinar (perhaps during May?), to communicate the progress.

If you’re interested in exploring these as you research your own data systems we’re of course able to answer questions along the way.


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