We would like to remind you about important resources that we recommend to check before your next presentation:
- Know your GBIF. Please visit the key webpages of GBIF.org, update the stats and numbers on your slides
- GBIF today. Browse through GBIF’s 2020 work programme to get up to date on what’s on this year’s agenda. The current strategic plan provides further context. Connect global messages and priorities with the thematic focus and local concerns of your meeting’s attendees.
- Consider your audience. The GBIF communication strategy can help.
- Browse through the available slides, request slides or make your own compilation. Move your second- priority or nice-to-have slides to the very end for possible use at Q&A.
- Use thank you slide for making announcements. Remind your audience about key opportunities like the Ebbe Nielsen Challenge and Young Researcher Award (participant countries only), as well as current funding opportunities.
- Give us feedback on your experiences, share your slides and help us improve the support we provide all ambassadors by filling out this quick survey after your talks.
- Contact relevant GBIF Secretariat staff. If you need guidance or a Skype discussion, email us at ambassadors@gbif.org.
- Discuss experiences and needs with fellow ambassadors on the GBIF Community forum (caution: you may already be here).
- Recruit new ambassadors from your network. The programme webpage outlines the qualifications and commitments.
Note, too, that for major events, we may in some cases be able to support you by shipping printed materials including GBIF brochures (in all six UN languages), the annual Science Review, the BES Data Management Guide, and GBIF-branded items like pens and stickers. Please make any such request via ambassadors@gbif.org at least one month in advance and provide your rationale and shipping details (including detailed postal address in English and the local language, name and mobile phone of the recipients).