🦟🚨Mosquito Alert!The spread of mosquito-borne diseases

🦟🚨Mosquito Alert!

The spread of mosquito-borne diseases like Dengue, Zika, and Yellow Fever is an ever-growing problem around the globe.

You can now take action against the spread of mosquito-borne diseases with the new Mosquito Alert App by IRESO e.V.


📸 Take pictures of mosquitoes and upload them to the app: https://map.mosquitoalert.com

More information (🇩🇪/🇧🇷): https://www.ireso.org/mueckenbekaempfung-und-praevention-unterstuetzen-sie-mit-der-mosquito-alert-app/#pll_switcher

Photo: James Gathany via Wikimedia Commons
#MosquitoAlert #PublicHealth #CitizenScience