How does often dos GBIF update the iNaturalist dataset?

The GBIF incorporates occurrences from iNaturalist (iNaturalist Research-grade Observations), under some conditions. I would like to know how often does GBIF update such occcurrences. From the data of last update (10th December 2024, so 10 days ago), my guess is something like “every two weeks”. But being a detail-obssessed nerd, I’d like to know if the frequency of updates is stated explicitly somewhere.
Many thanks!!

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GBIF crawls the dataset endpoint weekly (on Sundays it seems), but updates only happen if iNaturalist has made changes to the dataset. That is entirely controlled by iNaturalist. It does seem that the dataset is being updated more or less every week. Full details available here.

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  Can you please share more details about this topic.