Help with drag and drop geojson file on occurrence map


Thanks in advance for your help. I’m trying to summarize the Gomphidae species from this Southern Appalachian Mountains. iNat has the region defined. I am trying to apply that geojson polygon to the GBIF occurrence map. I have set the other filters, I am using the advanced option, on the occurrence map. When I drag and drop the geojson file from my downloads onto the map my browser opens another tab with the file contents displayed. But the map does not integrate the file and filter the results. The display on the new tab my browser opens are below. Thanks for your assistance


Here is the link for the polygon you want, but there is no occurrences for Gomphidae.

link for shape


Thanks for your help. I am seeing 2781 gomphids in that table.

How did you make it work?

Dragging a file to a browser window, has that behaviour. Similar if you do it here in discourse. The browser will try to open it or alternatively download it. Unless someone explicitly takes the effort to develop a drop target in the UI that tries to parse the content of the file. And in this case that hasn’t been done.

You need to go the the location filter and copy-paste your WKT (or alternative GeoJSON and the UI will try to convert it for you).

Also the geojson above is invalid due to the quotations marks, but I assume that is just discourse trying to be smart by changing the text.

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