Display taxon occcurences map on my website

is it possible to display the taxon occcurences map in my website by for example an iframe ?
Thank you !
(because to code a map with the occurences got by API is a big work !)

Hi @Sylvain_Ard

I suggest checking the documentation for the GBIF Map API: Maps API :: Technical Documentation

This blogpost could also be helpful (although it is in R): https://data-blog.gbif.org/post/2023-03-24-maps-api/

I can second that you are probably looking for the Maps API. Or do you need the map to be interactive?

In that case you are going to need a bit of extra tooling around leaflet or plotly

I succeeded thank you

Super cool, do you have a link?

the website is under development and is protected by an htaccess/htpasswd but I can give you the code :

GBIF Occurrence Map

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