Data Use Club Practical Session: Introduction API

Remember to register for the next Data Use Club Practical Session on February 8
The session will be on the API and introduction to rgbif and pygbif

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Here are some useful links for users that were described in the webinar:
Citation guidelines - Citation guidelines
API documentation - GBIF REST API
API Beginners guide blog post - GBIF API beginners guide - GBIF Data Blog
API download request tool -
GBIF API test environment thread - GBIF API Test Environment (Sandbox)
Fields that have enumerations (= controller vocabulary) -
rgbif documentation - Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API ā€¢ rgbif
rgbif GitHub repository- GitHub - ropensci/rgbif: Interface to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility API
pygbif documentation - pygbif 0.6.1 documentation ā€” pygbif 0.6.1 documentation
pygbif repo where new releases are available for download - pygbif Ā· PyPI
pygbif GitHub repo for updating the package- GitHub - gbif/pygbif: GBIF Python client


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