First, thanks again for opening up this forum to publicly discuss use of biodiversity data.
Second, I was hoping someone could help me understand my observations below:
During the 2023-03-28/30 Native Bee Monitoring RCN [1] Workshop 8 about Data Management, I attended the presentation by Paige Chesshire R scripts for nomenclature cleaning: Paige Chesshire - YouTube . In this presentation, Paige referenced recent work [2] . In this work, they used GBIF mediated data as referenced by [3], [4], and [5].
In reviewing the associated data query DOIs, I noticed that no citation was annotated, and the related data were marked for deletion. So, for some reason the cited DOIs were not picked up.
To help preserve the data associated with the data downloads, I created a data publication [6] on 2023-04-03 and cited the data download DOIs ([3],[4],[5]). And, two weeks later, on 2023-04-17, I tracked the same data download and recorded their associated GBIF metadata.
I found that, despite citing the data download DOIs, no citation had shown up yet. See screenshot below.
What is the procedure to add a citation to GBIF download DOIs and help preserve the data in the GBIF ecosystem ?
Thank you for your hard work in keeping the GBIF community active and their infrastructure up and running.
[1] The National Native Bee Monitoring RCN is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA NIFA 2020-67014-31865 to S.H.W.)
[2] Chesshire, P.R., Fischer, E.E., Dowdy, N.J., Griswold, T.L., Hughes, A.C., Orr, M.C., Ascher, J.S., Guzman, L.M., Hung, K.-L.J., Cobb, N.S. and McCabe, L.M. (2023), Completeness analysis for over 3000 United States bee species identifies persistent data gap. Ecography e06584. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.06584
[3] GBIF.org (3 February 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download Download
[4] GBIF.org (3 February 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download Download
[5] GBIF.org (3 February 2021) GBIF Occurrence Download Download
[6] Poelen, Jorrit H. (2023). Signed Citation of Provenance of GBIF Occurrence Downloads referenced in Chesshire et al. 2023 doi:10.1111/ecog.06584 hash://sha256/f2d8bdaec7a416a0039e9398cf07c6fa69083f64a6f22de3f252ebb5dd4fd412 hash://md5/458490528f55250ef381ba4bb6f81162 (0.2) [Data set]. Zenodo. Signed Citation of Provenance of GBIF Occurrence Downloads referenced in Chesshire et al. 2023 doi:10.1111/ecog.06584 hash://sha256/f2d8bdaec7a416a0039e9398cf07c6fa69083f64a6f22de3f252ebb5dd4fd412 hash://md5/458490528f55250ef381ba4bb6f81162 | Zenodo