I want to create a series of websites focusing on Life. My first experiment uses ITIS’ database. You can see an example of what I’m trying to achieve at http://gaia.geobop.com/life/ursus-maritimus/
Now I’d like to try something similar using Catalogue of Life’s database. I normally use WordPress, but I was told that Drupal is better for projets of this nature.
I tentatively want to create separate subdomains for animals, plants, fungi, each vertebrate class, insects, and microbes. I created the first one at mammalia.geobop.com and installed Drupal. Now I need to figure out how to use your API to connect to your database. I hired someone from Fiverr to do it for me, but they couldn’t figure it out. Can you give me some tips that I can share with another developer?
The structure will be very simple . . .
The primary information I need initially is scientific names, common names, rank (e.g family, order, etc.), and parent-child relationships. That will enable me to display bread-crumbs navigation links and lists of children.
Is there a simple way to do that? Or is there a good reference I can share with a developer?
I was asking ChatGPT for help, but I couldn’t figure it out. Then I hired two different people from Fiverr, but neither one of them could do it either. I’ll check the webinars, though. Thanks.
I want to create separate websites focusing on plants, mammals, birds, etc. I’m using WordPress. The first step is to simply display a hierarchy of pages.
On my website aves.geobop.com, for example, I have just one static page - index.php - with a parent template and a child template. The first page - class Aves - should display at mysite/V2, right? Galliformes should display at mysite/38Z, etc.
However, nothing displays at all. Below is the code in my child template. Thank you.
/* Template Name: Life Section Child */
// Get the slug from the query variable
$slug = get_query_var('taxonomy_slug');
// Query the Catalogue of Life API for the taxon ID using the slug
$search_api_url = "https://api.checklistbank.org/name/search?q={$slug}";
$search_response = wp_remote_get($search_api_url);
$search_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($search_response), true);
// Handle errors or no results
if (is_wp_error($search_response) || empty($search_data['result'])) {
echo "
404 Not Found
echo "
The taxon '{$slug}' could not be found in the Catalogue of Life database.
// Get the first result's taxon ID
$taxon = $search_data['result'][0];
$taxon_id = $taxon['id'];
// Query the classification for this taxon ID
$classification_api_url = "https://api.checklistbank.org/dataset/9910/taxon/{$taxon_id}/classification";
$class_response = wp_remote_get($classification_api_url);
$class_data = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($class_response), true);
// Handle errors in classification response
if (is_wp_error($class_response) || empty($class_data)) {
echo "
Classification Not Found
echo "
Unable to retrieve classification information for '{$slug}' (ID: {$taxon_id}).