Hi! I’m using the R package rgbif to request data to GBiF, and in order to get a smaller and more manageable download, I am using predicates to remove from the start observations with specific establishmentMeans or basisOfRecord.
Browsing around the web I have found a couple of webpages that seem to differ in how to perform such a request, specifically in how to handle missing values. Are these different implementations expected to yield different downloads? Can the GBiF fields of establishmentMeans and/or bassiOfRecord contain missing values? I have compared the downloads generated with the first two syntaxes (1.5 milion occurrences, 240 taxa), and found no relevant difference. In particular, the number of missing values was the same for establishmentMeans and basisOfRecord → 0.
pred_or(pred_not(pred(“establishmentMeans”, “MANAGED”)), pred_not(pred_notnull(“establishmentMeans”))),
- The simple version
pred_not(pred(“establishmentMeans”, “MANAGED”))
- Getting Occurrence Data From GBIF • rgbif – this one yields an error message