I recently saw this policy document from a Canadian project that deals with water/river basin data: (Data governance policy - Documentation - DataStream) and mentions this idea of Ethically Open Access. I think this might be an avenue to attempt to combine FAIR and CARE.
Ethically Open Access
Data are made available on an equal basis, fully, freely and openly in a timely way. Exemptions to this open data policy are allowable for ethical reasons.
Trying to combine FAIR and CARE will be challenging on both the technical (we need more sophistication than just plain access control) and non-technical side (legal and cultural). The conversations around Nagoya/CBS and the points raised by @MAFleming in this post (in the
Extending, enriching and integrating section) are good starting points to think about a more coordinating discussion. A first step might be to create/use a venue so all the stakeholders can discuss the issues, maybe in RDA where members of this community are also heavily involved. There is an International Indigenous Data Sovereignty IG and Biodiversity Data Integration IG. Discussions from this consultation can feed into a cross IG collaboration? CETAF also could be interested in this discussion.