Dear all,
I’m trying to use the GBIF taxonomy backbone via API on my pet-project and I’m having a problem fine tuning my api GET request to get the best results. Basically I want to implement a input field where a user types a species name and gets as-you-type suggestions of species names, and then after choosing one of the suggestions, other input fields for the higher taxonomy of the species get autofilled.
My problem is getting the right API response. Here’s an example:
A user wants to type Canis lupus and this is how I structure my api call:
Ok, works great.
But as soon I type a shorter name:
I get just Canis (the genus) with no fuzzy matched species.
Is there a way I could get 5 or 10 suggestions of species from my api request as soon as I start to type i.e. “Cani” like Canis lupus, Canis familiaris, Canis latrans?
I’m sorry if I’m asking for an impossible action or I’m missing something obvious, I’m a novice developer.
Thanks a lot!