GBIF activity reports updated for 2019

Activity reports for countries and areas have now been updated to include data from all of 2019. The reports are available from country/area pages. You can access the pages directly by visiting the URL:<ISO3166 alpha 2 code>

For example, to get to the page for Tonga, the URL would be

You can of course also visit the GBIF network page and click on the country/area of interest and then click the name of the country/area–as shown below.


FYI, I used the new country reports(and country pages) to compare Belgium with neighboring countries (France, Luxemburg, Germany and the Netherlands.
I ranked countries by numbers per capita. It very quickly gives a rough idea of what are our strengths and weaknesses in comparison to neighboring countries.

see GA2020.csv (5.0 KB)

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Good to know.
Good job

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