Hi, we are going to publish a metabarcoding dataset of soil and water samples.
The data is structured using an event core, because the sampling protocol was performed in the samples, and for some samples there were no OTUs finded, but we want to keep information complete.
Also in this case, we do not have any extension files related to the occurrence core, so the recommendation in the guide Publishing DNA-derived data through biodiversity data platforms for using always occurrence core does not apply directly in this case.
Originally, we were going to use the DNA derived data extension with the event Core, but we are wondering if this is the best approach from an user perspective.
If someone made a data download, maybe they will only check occurrence data and will miss the extension.
So, we are wondering what are some approaches data publishers has used in the past for DNA derived data in event core, or if we should use the occurrence core regardless.
Thank you very much,