API lookup for IUCN taxon IDs, given a large number of GBIF taxonKeys?

There is an API to lookup IUCN threat statuses for a single taxon:
Species API :: Technical Documentation

Which among other attributes, returns an iucnTaxonID, which I can use to link to information coming from an IUCN data download.

Is there an (API or other) way to return iucnTaxonID for multiple GBIF usageKeys in a single query? Hitting the API for a single species at a time is very time-consuming for lists with 100s to 1000s of species.

@db_ns you could download the names and associated status directly from the IUCN checklist: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (the archive is downloadable here: https://hosted-datasets.gbif.org/datasets/iucn/iucn-2022-1.zip) and then you could use checklist bank to match the names to the GBIF Backbone taxonomy in one call (COL ChecklistBank API).

Note that this can also be done with the web interface: ChecklistBank.

For an overview of what you can do with checklistbank and the GBIF Species API, you can check this recorded webinar: Data Use Club practical sessions: accessing and downloading species information on Vimeo and associated links: Data Use Club Practical Session: accessing and downloading species information


@mgrosjean Thank you so much! ChecklistBank looks incredibly useful.

Is there documentation, or could you provide an example of how to execute that API you referenced: COL ChecklistBank API, e.g. given a list of GBIF backbone taxonKeys?

@db_ns I suggest checking the tutorial here: backend/API.md at master · CatalogueOfLife/backend · GitHub. The page associated with the recorded webinar mentioned above includes links to some UI and API tutorials.

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