I thought it would be interesting to see what the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants had to say about citing collections. I’ve posted the relevant part of article 40 below.
Apparently, it is very lax on the subject with only a suggestion to use Index Herbariorum codes, but institution and collection names in any language are allowable.
In general I think the IAPT would be reluctant to make its rules more concrete on this issue, even though it would help interoperability. For political reasons it is not always easy in some countries to engage with international organizations and I think the IAPT would not want to block someone from engaging in taxonomy, because they can’t register their institution/collection.
40.7. For the name of a new species or infraspecific taxon published on or after 1 January 1990 of which the type is a specimen or unpublished illustration, the single herbarium, collection, or institution in which the type is conserved must be specified (see also Rec. 40A.5 and 40A.6).
Ex. 8. In the protologue of Setaria excurrens var. leviflora Keng ex S. L. Chen (in Bull. Nanjing Bot. Gard. 1988–1989: 3. 1990) the gathering Guangxi Team 4088 was indicated as “模式” [type] and the herbarium where the type is conserved was specified as “中国科学院植物研究所标本室” [Herbarium, Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences], i.e. PE.
Note 4. Specification of the herbarium, collection, or institution may be made in an abbreviated form, e.g. as given in Index Herbariorum (Index Herbariorum - The William & Lynda Steere Herbarium) or in the World directory of collections of cultures of microorganisms .
Ex. 9. When ’t Hart described “Sedum eriocarpum subsp. spathulifolium” (in Ot Sist. Bot. Dergisi 2(2): 7. 1995) the name was not validly published because no herbarium, collection, or institution in which the holotype specimen was conserved was specified. Valid publication was effected when ’t Hart (in Strid & Tan, Fl. Hellen. 2: 325. 2002) wrote “Type … ’t Hart HRT-27104 … (U)” while providing a full and direct reference to his previously published Latin diagnosis (Art. 33.1).
From Turland et al. (eds.) 2018: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017 . Regnum Vegetabile 159. Glashütten: Koeltz Botanical Books. DOI https://doi.org/10.12705/Code.2018**strong text**