8. Meeting legal/regulatory, ethical and sensitive data obligations

@hardistyar to summarize what I understand:

  1. inaccessible/secret/hidden entities (material or immaterial):
    → use agreements

  2. public/(openly) accessible/visible entities
    → granted absolute rights = licenses
    (granted by whom? the law? the fastest-talking person? …)

  • material → legal ownership (license)
    (can you own a tree or plot of land? → eg. multispecies ethics)
  • immaterial → work (likely “action” as per Hannah Arendt)
    • patents: invention = intellectual work
    • copyright: creative work

Nagoya Protocol regulating access and benefit sharing:
I am wondering if the PICs (Prior Informed Consent) and MATs (Mutual Agreed Terms) associated with ABS-regulation are based on inaccessibility (cp. 1.; border controls, customs, enforcement) or on ownership (cp. 2.; public accessible though regulated by absolute legal rights)?